6 Week Leagues
Jul 21

6 Week Leagues

July 21, 2021 - 3 years ago

If you missed out on the start of the Winter season, you couldn’t get your teams act together and get around to registering before many of the leagues sold out well don’t worry you’re in luck! We are offering a 6 Week league for some of our competitions. 

The 6 week competitions are a great way to start your sport journey as you only have to commit to 6 weeks, the weather will start to warm up by the time the competitions start and you’ll be getting that summer body ready in Spring. Perfect!

Below is a list of 6 week leagues we are running at the end of winter.

Alot of these competitions only have 1 – 2 team spots in them and a handful of individual places available. If you’re keen, then either put down a deposit for your team ASAP or sign up as an individual below all the places go.

Click the link and register!

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