Urban Rec Wedding: Nick & Sophie
February 17, 2022 - 3 years ago
So, word has it you guys met through Urban Rec and are NOW MARRIED, how did that happen? What sport? What league? What situation?
We met in 2018 in the UrbanRec flag gridiron season in an individual team (our team is still playing today with a few new faces). Although the team were all strangers when we started playing we would usually go to the bar after each game to relive the highlights of the game and get to know each other. After a few weeks of this, Soph and I started messaging privately and not in the team's whatsapp and before I knew it we were on our first date. It was funny watching the rest of the team slowly catch on, the major give away was me no longer asking for lifts from everyone and consistently arriving with Soph.
One eerie detail we discovered later was how we both got into UrbanRec. I already knew of UrbanRec, previously playing in the indoor soccer league on the North Sydney Tennis courts. Soph however was new to it and discovered UrbanRec when her usual tennis partner was injured and couldn't play with her anymore. Looking for a new way to play sport she recalled seeing UrbanRec flags on the courts next to her when she would play at North Sydney. That's right, for about six months each Tuesday night, I would play soccer and Soph tennis on the courts next to each other. On top of that we independently moved to join the same team in the gridiron league. Small world.
How long have you been together and when did you get married? Tell us about your wedding?
We will be celebrating our 4 yr anniversary this year as well as our first year of being married. Our wedding was in June 2021, one week before the Sydney lockdown. We were extremely lucky because we were not only able to have our 80pax wedding with no restrictions, but also squeezed in a honeymoon to QLD before being locked down
With your dating history, is online or offline dating better or worse?
Neither of us have much experience with online dating so can't compare too well
Tell me why you think Urban Rec was the inevitable way for you to meet your hubby or wife?
I think the great thing about individual teams in UrbanRec is that it gets you out of your comfort zone and usual routine. It's a great way to meet new circles of people, friends and partners alike. In the same team I met Soph, we both became great friends with another couple and regularly catch up. They were even part of my groom's party.
Tell me one thing about your partner that would make them cringe for you sharing? I
won't fall for this trap
What's the secret sauce to making your relationship fun?
For us, we are both spontaneous and enjoy joking around. So trying new things and not taking things too seriously is a winning recipe for us.
Describe your partner in 3 words!
Spontaneous, empathetic and funny
If you could only play one sport with your partner for the rest of time, what would you choose and why?
Squash, we got into it recently and it has bought out the competitiveness in both of us. We are both pretty clumsy on the court but the games are very close
Lastly, tell others why you think meeting people and dating through Urban Rec is a good idea?
UrbanRec makes it easy to try new sports with no pressure to be good at them. Every individual team I've joined has had great people to become friends with that I would otherwise have never met.
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