No Finals Policy
No Finals Policy
Urban Rec has confidently chosen to not host, or run finals, or play-offs. This decision was made many years ago, once we witnessed that playing in a final would sometimes bring out the “worst” in team spirit.
The way the winner is decided, is by the performance of the team, over the course of their entire season. Each game played therefore contributes to the teams overall success in the league. This stops teams from strategically “recruiting” players to join for a final game.
The Standings Table
Urban Rec standings table is counted by wins, and losses. If two teams are tied on the ladder, the team with the highest fun point rating will default to the higher position, and therefore become the winner. Points for/against do not count on Urban Rec standings table.
The Final Night
For some of our leagues, on the final night (week 11), teams are all invited to join and play in a ‘final tournament’ these games do NOT count towards the final score, or standings. This event is a social environment for teams to play together, mix up the rules, have some fun. This is the night our League Managers also hand out prizes to winning teams, and announce the Fun Point winners!