- TEAMS Four (4) players will compete on a side; others will be available as substitutes. Substitutes may enter the game in-between matches, not during.
- A team may not have a squad greater than six players with only four players allowed on the field at any one time.
- There must be a minimum of 2 members of either sex on the field at all times for the mixed Competition.
- 2 players is the minimum number of players that a team can have without a forfeit resulting.
- Teams may commence games with four players provided there is at least 1 member of each sex is on the field at all times.
- THE FIELD The game may be played indoors or outdoors. The playing field shall be a rectangle at least 50 ft long and at least 30 ft wide, divided into two (2) equal sections by a center-line and attack-lines 3m from, and parallel to the centreline.
- STARTING THE GAME Prior to the start of the match the referee will call the two captains aside for the toss, which is done through 'Paper, Scissors, Rock! The winner of the toss has the right to serve/receive or have choice of end. At the start of the 2nd set the team captain who lost the first set toss will have the right to choose. For an eventual 3rd set, the two team captains do the toss again.
- THE NUMBER OF HITS TO HIT THE BALL OVER THE NET Each team is entitled to a maximum of three hits to return the ball over the net. The ball may be hit with any part of the body, including the feet. A player may not contact the ball twice consecutively, unless the ball is deemed hard-driven by the umpire - i.e. in a block situation. The consecutive touches in a block count as two hits, leaving the team with one hit to get the ball back over the net. A hard-driven ball constitutes a clean hit; it may not visibly come to rest on contact, or be held, including being lifted, carried or thrown.
- SETTING OFF THE SERVE is only permissible if the umpire deems the ball to be set cleanly (i.e. single contact, minimal rotation). Carries and double hits are at the umpire's discretion.
- SIMULTANEOUS CONTACT The ball may touch two or more parts of the body only if contact occurs simultaneously or in one motion. When two teammates contact the ball simultaneously, it is counted as two of their three permitted hits. When two opponents simultaneously touch the ball above the net and it is held, the rally will continue.
- BALL AT THE NET When the ball is sent into the opponent's court it must pass over the net.While crossing the net, the ball may touch the net between the antennas but may not touch the posts or ropes. A ball hit into the net may be retrieved and played over the net within the team's limit of three hits.
- PLAYER AT THE NET No part of a player's body or clothing may touch the net, but may touch the net ropes outside of the antennas and the posts. A player may enter under the net into their opponents court provided they do not interfere with their opponent's range of motion.
- SERVICE The serving player should wait to all opponents players are ready.
- The ball must be hit cleanly with one hand or any part of the arm after being tossed or released and before it touches the ground.
- The player will only have one attempt at a successful serve.
- The ball must pass over the net and between the antennas.
- The ball may contact the net, but not the posts or antennas.
- The serve may be hit from anywhere along the baseline and from within the sidelines.
- Once a player commences the service action, they may not touch any boundary lines or the court surface until the ball has been hit.
- All players on both teams must be within the court area when the serve is hit.
- HAND-SETTING RULE Hand-setting is the skill where the fingertips are used to play the ball from above your face with the intention of directing the ball to a position above the net for your team-mate to attack or spike down into your opponent's court. The setting rule in Beach Volleyball is one of the most contentious. At SBVBL our general philosophy regarding setting is that as you progress through to higher divisions, the strictness of how the referees will judge the quality of setting will also be raised. With this in mind, the emphasis of our leagues is to promote a fun and enjoyable environment (i.e. in a lower division - the referee can use their discretion in relation to this rule to help promote longer rallies).
- As a guide: The ball must be played cleanly in one motion, using the fingertips.
- The ball can be lowered in the hands to the face then it must be released by extending arms and wrists, but it cannot be a clear 'catch'.
- Using your legs to help guide and propel the body toward the target also helps in achieving an accurate set.
- A player who is setting and facing their intended target will receive the benefit of the doubt over a player who is trying to change the direction of the ball by setting across their body. Players who excessively hold the ball by lowering it past their chins to their chest are likely to be called for a lift - the ball must not come to rest.
- ATTACK HIT is the action to direct the ball down into the opponent's court. The attack hit must be completed within the player's own court space. A player is not allowed to make an attack hit on an opponent's serve.
- BLOCKING is the action of a player to prevent an opponent's attack hit from crossing the net. A player is not permitted to block the serve. A blocking player may touch the ball over the net in the opponent's court once the opponent's attack hit is completed. The first hit after a block may be executed by any player including the blocker - leaving one remaining team hit.
- SCORING Matches will be played using a point per rally format with teams completing as many sets to 14 (win by 2 points) as possible within the time limit allowed. If the scores are 20:20 then the set continues until either team has a 2-point lead - i.e. 14:12. In the final set if the score is at 11 points or above, then the set will be deemed complete as long as the team leading is ahead by at least 2 points.
- FAIRPLAY SYSTEM each league night you will have a referee onsite, but these guys are not official referees. Urban Rec is proud to be the only non-competitive league which practices fair play, meaning you should be making your own calls on the game. The referee will be there to make the calls not made by individuals, keep time, and help guide the games within the game play rules. The Urban Rec Referee has the final say on any issue that cannot be self-resolved.
- SPORTSMANSHIP if you are seen to be rude or not playing within the respect of the rules you will be asked to sub, and warned by one of our Rep’s if after two times you do not show your sportsmanship, you will be asked to leave the field, and an assessment will be made if you can play again. We do not tolerate idiots. Play fair.